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sherlock holmes complete series



Arthur Conan Doyle's most memorable imaginary detective character created by him, which is the best ever written by any author. The book is very well written and catches the imagination of the reader till the end.
About the author
Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, in the year 1859. He studied medicine and became a doctor in 1885 and to supplement his income he used to write short stories. In the year 1887 Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a full length novel called "Study of Scarlet" which was the beginning of imaginary character Sherlock Homes. Lippincott's Magazine of American commissioned another novel of Arthur Conan Doyle "Sign of Four" after that there was no looking back to the author. He had huge reader's follow up. Arthur Conan Doyle preferred to write historical and scientific romances and some of his best are The Great Shadow, The lost world, Rodney stones, but his greatest creation is Sherlock Homes. Arthur Conan Doyle was knighted in the year 1902 for his defense of British Polices in South Africa and breathed his last in the year 1930.

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes is an imaginary character and is acclaimed for his scientific detection and uncanny energy for helping the victims and helping them to get justice.

Some of the best acclaimed works of Sherlock Holmes are The Hound of Baskervilles, Sign of Four, The Valley of Fear, The Last Bow etc.

Sherlock Holmes's friend and Chronicle Dr. Watson Indian returned doctor shared his rooms and also helped him to bring his works to his readers.

Sherlock Holmes also helped British detective force in solving some of the most difficult cases. Sherlock Holmes Lived at 221 Baker street, London along with Dr. Watson.

The book Sherlock Holmes is very well written and the reader is slowly engrossed in the mysteries and remains dumbfolded in the detections of Sherlock Holmes, One start living in the imagination and it is the greatness of the author that the reader is made to imagine the steps taken by Sherlock Holmes and the logical conclusion. One starts believing that Sherlock Holmes actually lived and helped British police.

Sherlock Holmes is also translated in all the languages of the world, such is its popularity.

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